We communicate clearly to our customers on-line, in our order forms, price lists, advertising and promotion how we, you and our network of Suppliers, Processors and Partner Farmers raise the animals we sell in our CSA, on-line and through various retail locations. It allows our customers the assurance that we all farm with similar motivations and integrity.
We truly believe in growing food ecologically, organically, and in a diversified farm system, for the benefit of the farmer, animal, environment, our customer’s health and our spirit. We have chosen to purchase animals from you for processing or to grow on our farm because your farming culture matches the requirements below.
We need your assurance and acceptance to ensure on our customer’s behalf, the following growing and farming standards are used to provide a constant supply of quality meat, with consistent packaging sizes and standards.
Please assure any animals we purchase from you are;
- Respected and raised in humane conditions, with free access to food, water and fresh air with access to the outdoors at all times (weather permitting)
- Raised in conditions that provide them with lots of room to move around. Be sure the animals are not crowded or mistreated.
- Raised WITHOUT the use of growth hormones
- Free from high-fat, poor quality feeds like brewer’s grain, corn silage and animals bi-product protein
- Provided fresh, healthy feed that is free from GMO, pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizer
- Provided feed that is grown on land that is respected with proper crop rotation
- Raised in an environment where proper housekeeping is maintained and where the animals are clean and comfortable
- Not fed, injected or given pharmaceuticals, antibiotics or drugs except as a last resort to maintain the animal’s health.
- Animals are NOT Vaccinated
- No antibiotics or medications, synthetic minerals, fillers or clay are added to any feed or seed that is purchased or added during the milling process
- Treated with kindness and respect while growing at your farm and during transport to the processor/butcher.
100% Grass-fed BEEF & BISON
- Grass-fed, fed only hay or fresh pasture
- Over 24 months of age – ideal would be 26 to 28 months of age
- At processing, a target weight of 450 to 550lbs dressed weight
- Heritage breeds, either a full or cross of Hereford, Galloway, Gelbvieh, Angus or Simmental, with Hereford/Galloway Cross as the preferred grass-fed breed.
- Healthy, free of antibiotics or medications – for their whole lives
100% Grass-Fed LAMB & GOAT
- Grass-fed, fed only hay or fresh pasture
- At processing, a live weight of approximately 100 to 110 lbs, for a target weight of 50 to 60lbs dressed weight. Animals over/under the desired weight receive a reduced purchase price.
- Healthy, free of antibiotics or medications – for their whole lives
Certified Organic PORK
- At processing, a live weight of approximately 200lbs to 280lbs, for a target dressed weight of 180 to no more than 240lbs. Animals over/under the desired weight receive a reduced purchase price.
- Fed only organically grown feed (Soy Free Feed is preferred)(no pesticide, no herbicide, no fungicide and no GMO’s)
- Raised in a open pen barn, with straw bedding to root and grouped together with animals of similar sizes.
- Provided fresh air and a low stress growing environment.
- No Farrowing crates are permitted.
- Docking tails, breaking teeth is not done and castrating is not preferred. Castration, with assistance in the form of topical or a testicular injection to reduce pain is permitted.
- Please Provide the name of your Organic Certifier: _______________________________.
Finished Pastured SOY Free PORK
- At processing, a live weight of approximately 200lbs to 280lbs, for a target dressed weight of 180 to no more than 240lbs. Animals over/under the desired weight receive a reduced purchase price.
- Fed only organically grown soy free feed containing no pesticide, no herbicide, no fungicide and no GMO’s
- Heritage Breed (Pure or Crossed) – Tamworth, Berkshire, Yorkshire, Hereford, Large Black or a similar Heritage Breed.
- Raised with free access to the outside and pasture for the majority of their lives, weather permitting.
- No Farrowing crates are permitted.
- Docking tails, breaking teeth is not allowed and castrating is not preferred. Castration, with assistance in the form of topical or a testicular injection to reduce pain is permitted.
Feeder Pigs
A live weight of approximately 40lbs to 50lbs
- Animals over/under the desired weight receive a reduced purchase price
- Fed only organically grown feed (Soy Free Feed is preferred)(no pesticide, no herbicide, no fungicide and no GMO’s)
- Heritage Breed (Pure or Crossed) – Tamworth, Berkshire, Hereford, Large Black or a similar Heritage Breed.
- Raised with free access to the outside and pasture for the majority of their lives, weather permitting.
- No Farrowing crates are permitted.
- Docking tails, breaking teeth is not allow and castrating is not preferred. Castration, with assistance in the form of topical or a testicular injection to reduce pain is permitted.
Pastured DUCK & GOOSE
- Fed only organically grown feed.(no pesticide, no herbicide, no fungicide and no GMO’s)
- Raised outside on pasture for a majority of their lives.
- Not older than 22 weeks.
- Ducks – Desired weight of 4 to 7 lbs.
- Geese – Desired weight of 7 to 10lbs.
- Placed in a Vac Pac bag by the Processor.
- If frozen, the bird must not be squished, misshapen, or have a torn or unreadable label.
- Label must meet labeling requirements.
- Delivered to our Farm – with delivery date and time pre-arranged no less than 1 week prior to arrival.
Pastured Rabbit
- Fed only organically grown feed
- Raised outside on pasture for a majority of their lives.
- Desired weight of 4 to 8 lbs
- Placed in a Vac Pack bag by the processor containing the weight.
- If frozen the rabbit must not be squished, misshapen or have a torn or unreadable label.
- Label must meet labeling requirements
- Delivered to our Farm – with delivery date and time pre-arranged no less than 1 week prior to arrival.
Please assure any hay or grains you feed or we purchase from you is grown;
- WITHOUT pesticides, herbicides, GMO or synthetic fertilizers, and NO human waste products/fertilizers are used to grow grazing areas or grass, hay or animal feed.
- Using sustainable farm practices, like crop rotation, large fence rows, proper water way protection, and manure storage and application are utilized.
By completing this Trust Agreement form below, I, ________________________ acknowledge that I have read, understand and assure that I have and will continue to raise the produce and livestock for breeding or processing that I sell toDRAGONFLY GARDEN FARM andwww.DRAGONFLYFARMSTORE.ca as outlined above.
Name: _________________________Date: _____________ Signature: __________________________________ Annual Review Date: _______________ |
We appreciate your efforts and integrity in farming! We respect the business relationship we have built and look forward to a prosperous and eventful year.
Kindest Regards,
Cindy Wilhelm,