
Hello, my name is Cindy and I was a farmer.  Sounds a bit like a confession doesn’t it?

Well, it sort of is. I won’t apologize for my love of excellent quality food, my passion for organic and regenerative farming and the joy I feel working with critters.  I won’t bore you with all the details, but I have farmed organically since 2007, finding success in the everyday, and leading a monumental change in the conventional farming market.  I can confidently say, I inspired a movement towards sustainable farming just by sharing my passion for it on-line and in person to each and every ear who cared to listen.

As one of the first direct market farmers to sell meat on-line in Canada, and one of the first to sell an all meat CSA, or meat subscription box, I have the skill and experience necessary to alter the direct farm sales market.  Look how it is flourishing now, back in 2007, there was no direct sales market to be found. Very few animals were being raised outside on pasture and organic farming was just being understood.

Now, it is the fastest growing market segment in Canada.  More people want organic food than any other. More demand is being generated as food quality and nutrition concerns are being talked about in mainstream media, just look at US politics, Trump won, and RFK Jr is knee deep in building and implementing his Make America Healthy Again plan.  Joel Salitin is onboard as a consultant to the USA Secretary of Agriculture and you are going to see some huge changes.  EPIC!

We will finally be provided with the information needed to explain the abundance of health issues and chronic illnesses reeking havoc in our world today.

So, instead of farming, like I did for 18 years, my passion is found in reframing your business so you can adapt to the changing industry, for the next 5 years and beyond.  I can help you hone your focus, define your business vision, and develop a marketing plan for niche markets like organic, pasture based, regenerative and sustainable farming.

Let me help you complete a business plan suitable to access lending for your niche marketing business, or grow your sales or attract a new target market.  Do you need a competitive analysis, or to diversify your product or reposition your brand?

Lets work together to reframe your business so you can achieve your farm dreams and goals in a way that fulfills your soul, sustains your lifestyle and enhances your environment.  I did it, using my education, skills

and experience, and at this age, a little bit of wisdom.

I hope you like what I have to offer.  My purpose is to bring back high quality, nutrient dense food to your kitchen table, by doing my part to support, grow and promote organic and regenerative farming in Canada.

Please celebrate your life with great food!  And contact me to chat about your farm or food business dreams.

All My Best,

Cindy Boyd