farmqueenfoods Celebrating our love of local food. A Farm Queen raising a variety of animals respectfully. Organic, grass-fed, pastured. The Auction is open! I have 9 or 10 items in this Fresh summer sausage just picked up at tue butcher Only 5 available! Open until 5 pm! Finally! A fresh batch of meat stix! Here just i Gluten free baking just arrived in the farm store! How’s that for a sun rise! Good Morning! Beauty sun rise! Good Morning Farm Store opens a Last nights full moon! I can tell you the field your meat was grown in! Pastured and Organic chicken is in! Picked up fro Harvey is the newest pet on the farm. He’s Ferg Guinea on the barn roof, courtesy of the new 3lbs Get the grill ready! BURGER & DOG SALE In the f The peonies are gorgeous this year! Always one of Ginger Bug back in stock in the farm store! Stop Hey! Don’t forget we support local artists and s Wild caught ocean fish seafood order just arrived! In store SPRING Specials! Save 5 to 25% on a vari Beauty Day! Get out for a drive! Farm store is o Load More... Follow on Instagram Share