Flemming College Farm Tour-2017

Flemming College Farm Tour buses

Last week we had the pleasure of hosting the 2017 Flemming College Sustainable Agriculture class for a Farm Tour.  We shared with the students our unique story of how we choose farming as a second career, and what we feel is important as sustainable farmers.

Its was cool to have 2 bus loads of young people interested in farming arrive at the farm.

Flemming College farm tour group

Our free run chickens were very interested in all the new visitors.

Cows during Flemming College Farm tour

The cattle enjoyed watching the group tour the farm.

Farm tour for Flemming College group

We all got together in the barn for a group photo.

Thank you Tarrah & Sara both Faculty of Flemming College, for thinking of our farm as part of the tour, for sharing our farm with your students and we wish you all the very best in achieving your farm dreams!