pastured goat – ready in the fall only

Our meat goats are pasture raised and supplemented with Certified Organic Grains.  The Meat is always frozen, and is available in the fall only.  Its cut and wrapped in vac packs and you can choose from ground, stew, loin chops, leg or shoulder roasts or shanks.  

I tried raising 100% grass-fed Goats but they, like me, enjoy a treat!  I give them a little Certified Organic oats, peas and barley mix each morning and night. 

They were looking a little skinny eating just grass and pasture, I needed to make sure they are good and healthy and to support their immune system so they can fight off parasites (a big thing with goats!) using Organic, non medicated parasite management.  Its a whole program here at the farm, and it took about a year to get everything in place. 

Its paid off, my pastured goats are healthy and happy and a little chubby, just like me! lol!   Their eyes got brighter, their coats are shiny and the they are not skinny like before.  And if it’s even possible; they are more curious and even bigger trouble makers than they were before!  

I raise Kiko cross goats. I have not landed on the perfect cross for me yet.  I’m trying out Apline, Saanen, Boer and Lamancha, all crossed with a big pretty Kiko Billy Goat.  

I have learned a lot about goats. You can read about them, you can google them and you can talk to other goat farmers about them.  But until I met my goats, got to know their personality and understood their needs, I had no idea I’d fall in love with raising them. 

They are much like pastured pigs that have grown to the 180 to 260lbs range. They know how to get out of any fence, even electric, how to convince me to feed them more than they need and surprisingly, get along well with other critters like turkey’s, pigs, ducks, chickens and donkeys.

Come visit the farm and meet the goats, the big Billy Dewey smells terrible, but has a delightful disposition and great aim! (he can pee on you from 6 ft away so fair warning!) 

The original 4 girls in the herd, Coconut, Cinnamon, Elsa and Bailey’s like to meet new people too. Along with them are their daughters, and soon to be granddaughters. 

Thanks, see you on the farm! 

The goats go in the barn at the end of October. (they don’t like cold, or the rain, or green tomatoes!)

NOTE: No farm tours in the barn while COVID 19 restrictions are in effect.